Biography of Kaitlyn McGrath

I am currently a junior at the University of Florida studying telecommunications. I am a member and captain of the Dazzlers, the University of Florida dance team. I am also a weather forecaster for WRUF Gator Weather and WUFT-TV in Gainesville. I try to be as involved as possible during my time in college to build my resume and prepare to reach my goal of becoming a network news anchor.  

5 thoughts on “Biography of Kaitlyn McGrath

  1. Kaitlyn,
    You are definitely going to have no problem finding a job with the diversity of your involvement. I think being a forecaster is a great skill and will help you once you move on to a news anchor role. Best of luck!

  2. I love your blog, Kaitlyn! I’ve been a dancer my whole life but sadly once I got to college I didn’t keep up enough time for it so I think its awesome that you’re a dazzler and pursuing all of your passions. We definitely have the same goals in mind and I think you’ll have lots of opportunities with you’re wide variety of skills. I think you’d make a great forecaster after seeing you on WUFT’s First at 5. I’m graduating in May so we’ll see soon enough what I end up doing out of college but good luck to you with your senior year!

  3. Hey Kaitlyn, I totally agree with the ladies above me. So far, you’ve done a great job as a weather forecaster. You come off really natural and confident on air. They say the weather segment is always the most anticipated part of the news so having that on your resume will be a big help in your career. Wish you the best!

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  5. Hey Kaitlyn, I just wanted to let you now you have done a great job so far as WUFT’s weather forecaster. I never knew how hard it really is until I have really gotten involved and see what y’all have to go through. It is even more impressive considering you are the captain of the Dazzlers always pumping up and entertaining fans during Gator games. Maybe you can help me out with my dance moves, if you don’t mind teaching someone from scratch!

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